Leading Innovator in Infrared Sauna Safety
0 Magnetic Fields
We were at the forefront of zero EMFs sauna domes because safety is the heart of our company. Now, we’ve taken it to the next level.

0 Electric Fields
We are also the first to offer a sauna dome with zero ELFs because we’ve fully lined it with copper, leaving no room for any safety risk.
Safety Doesn't Stop With Our Domes
- Fully Lined With Copper
- 0 EMFs, 0 ELFs, Ultra Low VOCs
- Zipper Enclosure
- 1-9 Temperature Settings (Max 176)
Safety is the heart of our business, because of this, we’ve also developed the safest sauna blanket, that’s easy to use and actually gets hot.

What Are Electric Fields?
- Electromagnetic Fields Are Everywhere
- All Electronic Devices Will Emit Some Kind of EMFs
- Your Phone Mat Emit Levels Up to 30mG
Electric fields are separated into EMFs and ELFs. EMFs are electromagnetic fields that are commonly found in all electronics. ELFs are low frequency electric fields that are also found in all electronics.

What Are The Risks?

Even though EMFs are everywhere, prolonged, high exposure can certainly lead to some risks. At 1Love, we choose to take no risks when it comes to your health.
Short Periods: Below 10mG
Long Periods: Below 3mG
1Love: 0mG
Short Periods: Below 5,000v/m
Long Periods: 1,000v/m
1Love: 0v/m
If Third Party Testing Was Honest, We'd Do it.
Prior to sending saunas to third parties for testing, oftentimes heating elements are removed or the sauna is modified so that it tests far better than a customer would receive it. This is why we prefer to test our in house, live on video and send them to trustworthy sources to do the same.