How To Get the Most Out of Your At-Home Infrared Sauna
Far infrared saunas can deliver a wide range of benefits, from detoxifying the body to improving one’s mood. You can turn to therapeutic stones and sauna technology to help build an overall better well-being. You can even use at-home infrared sauna setups to bring those aforementioned abilities home. However, experiencing the benefits of infrared sauna technology requires an understanding of how to get the most out of it.
Don’t worry; this doesn’t mean you have to become a technician to understand the advantages of infrared saunas at home. We can help you take the most efficient steps to focus your efforts on using the titular tech to make your life better.
Glance at the guide below to see how to get the most out of your at-home infrared sauna. Although this technology may look daunting at first, you can easily integrate it into your everyday life as soon as you’re ready.
Combine Comfort, Coverage, and Convenient Storage
So does using an infrared sauna at home mean you have to invest in a massive construction project? The answer, thankfully, is no.
What’s the most comfortable at-home infrared sauna design for you? You may see the portable sauna domes and assume they come in one form, but infrared saunas for residential homes come in versatile designs to help you find a perfect fit. For example, our infrared saunas come in portable domes, heating pads, and blankets.
Domes also come in multiple sizes to provide more room for personalizing how the sauna wraps around you. After all, everyone finds comfort in different designs, and you have to consider how you’ll store the sauna. Instead of investing in a sauna room, you can rely on portable infrared sauna domes and blankets to begin healing your body how you want, where you want.
Portable at-home saunas aren’t obtrusive devices and are convenient to move and store, but that doesn’t mean you should overlook planning how the sauna will fit in your home. In doing so, you can more easily narrow down your shopping experience to the best sauna model for the job.
Set Up Your Sauna in a Serene Environment
If you want the most relaxing experience with your sauna, then always set up your sessions somewhere quiet around the house. Of course, if you have a family at home and a busy schedule, it can make finding the most serene time difficult. Luckily, that’s one of the primary benefits of a portable far infrared sauna at home—you can move it wherever the quietest, most relaxing place in the house is at that time.
In addition, consider turning your phone on silent if you receive phone calls often to ensure you don’t have any disruptions during your sauna session. Don’t feel beholden to enjoy the sauna at the same exact time—schedule your sessions whenever is most convenient for you so that you don’t have to compromise the experience with distractions.
After all, by focusing on your health and living your best life, you can handle work, family, and more prominent components of your life clearly. Moreover, by being your best self, you can emanate a warm aura every single day.
Don’t Neglect Proper Hydration When Using Saunas at Home
Although an infrared sauna can help with a lot of issues, don’t forget to help yourself to plenty of water during sauna sessions. Using an infrared sauna is a calming experience, so it’s easy to forget that you have to help your body recharge. Infrared saunas are different from the usual sauna, but that doesn’t make hydration any less critical. The sauna experience is going to lead to sweating, and you should help your body replenish itself by hydrating.
Make sure you’re drinking water before stepping into the infrared sauna, but you should also hydrate during and after your session. Luckily, since you’re using an at-home sauna, you don’t have to worry about forgetting your water bottle at home, like you might when visiting a gym’s infrared sauna.
Take Your Post-Session Cooldown Seriously
When exploring how to get the most out of your at-home infrared sauna, always remember that you get to schedule sessions when it’s most convenient for you. However, that doesn’t mean you should immediately go back to work the moment you hop out of the sauna. Instead, you should give yourself time to cool down, hop in the shower, and relax after your sauna time.
This gives you a chance to reflect on your sauna experience and, more importantly, how your body feels afterward. Taking this time to reflect means that you can monitor and identify how the infrared sauna is helping you every day. This also assists with creating the right infrared sauna routine. For example, if you feel like you didn’t drink enough water during your sauna session, you can adjust for next time.
Step Into the Sauna With a Specific Health Goal
Monitoring your progress is another reason why you should always start using an infrared sauna with a very specific health goal in mind. After all, the experience can help in many ways, but that doesn’t mean you should consider it a fix-all solution and not focus on what’s missing from your current lifestyle.
Maybe you want to feel more relaxed throughout the day, or you may want to focus on more specific physical conditions, such as pain relief or cardiovascular health. Identifying these specific problems can help you reflect on what makes far infrared sauna technology so beneficial to you.
At 1Love Health, our saunas use therapeutic stones, such as jade, bian, germanium, and tourmaline. Each stone carries its own benefits for the body.
Germanium has the ability to increase body circulation and oxygen concentration, among many more advantages. Once you have a specific health goal, you can identify how the stones are going to help you reach that goal over time. Using the guide above, you can develop an infrared sauna routine that helps you live your best life, whether you want to improve your mood, physical health, or both.