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The Safest Far Infrared, Backed By a Lifetime Warranty

lady using an at home far infrared portable sauna

1 Person Infrared Sauna Models

1Love 1-Person far infrared saunas can completely transform a small area of your home into a sauna sanctuary.

Our mission is to allow everyone to experience the amazing health benefits that an infrared sauna has to offer. These single person, portable infrared saunas allow you to leverage all the benefits of a large, cabin-style sauna, but at a lower cost and smaller space commitment.

We truly believe that we have some of the best one single person saunas for sale.

With the combination of carbon heating elements and EMF shielding technology, we have created ultra-low EMF, portable infrared saunas that can allow anyone take advantage of all of the health benefits that far infrared saunas have to offer.

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1 Person Infrared Sauna Domes

A Personal Sauna Can be Invaluable, Heres What Makes Ours Great:

  • Maximum Temperature: 194 Degrees Fahrenheit
  • EMF: 0.148mG This is an Ultra-low EMF Sauna
  • Materials: Non-toxic, PU Vegan Leather
  • Zone Control: Three fully adjustable heating zones

1 Person Infrared Sauna Blankets

A Personal Sauna Blanket Is Pure Convenience, Heres What Makes Ours Great:

  • Maximum Temperature: 176 Degrees Fahrenheit
  • EMF: 0.284mG This is an Ultra-low EMF Sauna blanket
  • Materials: Durable, Waterproof Nylon
  • Zone Control: Three fully adjustable heating zones

Personal Sauna FAQs

Far infrared rays penetrate far below the skins surface in order to heat the body. Conversely, traditional saunas heat the air around you, which heats your body. A far infrared sauna, especially a far infrared sauna dome uses infrared heat that requires much lower temperatures to heat the body to the core. This makes for a much more pleasant experience, while still leveraging all of the health benefits that sauna usage has to offer. Our sauna dome still allows high temperatures, so that when the body becomes heat-adapted you can progressively increase the temperature for even the most experiences sauna users.

A 1 infrared person sauna can be an amazing addition to any home. In regards to far infrared rays, generally the less clothes you wear, the easier the core body temperature will elevate. A public infrared sauna or traditional sauna environment may cause people to feel uncomfortable, making the experience shorter and less relaxing. In addition to this, traveling to use a sauna daily takes tons of time cummulatively. The convenience of having a one person home sauna is truly unrivaled. Personal saunas are also smaller and take up less space. These one person portable infrared saunas can store in very small places of your home, and when ready can be used at any time and any where you choose.

Infrared saunas do an amazing job of heating the body directly and elevating core temperature. This increase in core temperature increases blood flow and blood circulation throughout the entire body. This can aid in reduction of cardiovascular diseases, improved immune system health, reduced inflammation, temporary increase in hormone secretion and even improved brain function. Overall there are tons of well researched health benefits of a far infrared sauna.

High levels of electromagnetic fields can be extremely dangerous. The issue within the infrared sauna industry is that many companies either fail to mention EMF, or even worse, claim low EMF, when levels are actually high and dangerous. We are fully transparent with the EMF of our single person saunas, as well as including overall body voltage. Many companies will send their products to third party testers to appear more credible, but in reality, they modify the sauna before sending it off, to get a much lower number than they should.
1Love Dome EMF: 0.148mG Overall Average EMF

Single person dome style saunas or even single person sauna blankets are awesome because they can be powered with a standard household outlet. All 1Love infrared saunas come with a standard 110v plug in that allows you to leverage sauna sessions anywhere that has a standard household outlet.

The placement of your sauna will rely on weather conditions and protective environments in order for them to operate normally and free of damage. Traditional indoor saunas that use cedar are very appealing and even come with a pleasant cedar aroma. Consquentially, if you choose to place these outside, it is important to choose a sauna that uses weatherproof material, especially because these large, cabin-style saunas are very combersome to move.

A great aspect of portable infrared saunas is that you can truly take them wherever you choose, as long as the weather is treating you well. A portable home sauna like ours is very easy to move. This means if you come across a nice sunny day where you want to take your sauna session outside, you may do so. Since they use a standard 110V outlet, they can easily be placed on a nice clean deck outside to enjoy total relaxation where ever you please. Some larger saunas are heavily dependent on larger breaker boxes for their high electricity output and are much harder to transport or move.

Generally, there are two main types of infrared heaters. These are carbon heaters and ceramic heaters. Our single person saunas all use carbon heating elements for several reasons. Carbon heating elements generally heat up faster than ceramic. They are also easier to shield EMF from. This is especially important when looking into portable saunas, since the body is so close to the heating elements. Additionally, carbon heaters are able to be more compact and fit into smaller places. This is great for a home sauna or any 1 person sauna. Ceramic heating elements are typically larger, take longer to preheat, but in some cases can be a bit more intense; however, our carbon heating elements are the most intense on the market.

An infrared sauna is a great tool in elevating your core body temperature. This increase causes an up-regulation in metabolism, during the period of core temperature increase. The science indicates that there is roughly a 10-13% increase in metabolism per degree of core body temperature increase. This could result in as much as a 40% increase in caloric burn during a sauna session.

Optimal time to use a sauna is dependent on the frequency of sauna use. It is recommended to get at least 58 minutes of sauna sessions per week. This means you could break it down into one day, with careful hydration, or separate it into a few sessions throughout the week. The goal should be to keep each sauna session at a minimum of 20 minutes long. This allows the body to heat up enough to leverage all of the health benefits that infrared saunas have to offer.

An amazing part about infrared saunas, especially 1 person infrared saunas is that the cost to run them per month is extremely low. In particular to 1Love 1 person saunas, these will add less than $2 per month to your electricity bill and the use a standard 110v household outlet! The total wattage will vary by model, sauna blankets have an output of 600W, while the 1 person infrared sauna domes have an output of 1200W.

Since far infrared saunas directly heat the body through infrared rays, their maximum temperature can be much lower than a traditional sauna. Traditional saunas simply heat the air around you, which means that the temperature will need to be much higher to increase your core body temperature. This can cause discomfort for many people as they would have to breathe in constant hot air. With an infrared sauna, even if it were set to the same temperature as a traditional sauna, it would feel less hot. This allows you to be more comfortable and last longer in your sauna sessions.

With infrared saunas you can find that temperatures of even 120 degrees Fahrenheit will be effective. Regardless of this we like to offer a temperature rage that could fit anyones needs. Our 1 person sauna domes have a maximum temperature of 194 degrees Fahrenheit so that even the most experienced sauna users can adjust it to their liking. Competitors often boast temperatures of 150 degrees Fahrenheit, which is far below what we have to offer.

Therapeutic stones are stones that when heated, release far infrared. These heated stones help amplify the intensity of far infrared within your sauna. In a 1Love personal infrared sauna, these stones are included all around to create a total 360 degree far infrared environment, this allows you to leverage all that far infrared rays have to offer.

Portable infrared saunas oftentimes are made with materials that can release harmful VOCs into your household and leave it smelling poorly. 1Love 1 person infrared saunas are made with all non-toxic materials to ensure minimum VOC release. It is important to note that with any new product, the first time heat up maybe have a slight smell to it, but this will remedy after simply a day or two.

Personal infrared saunas generally have very little upkeep. Cleaning 1 person saunas is also very easy, but there are some important things to note. Whenever you're cleaning your personal sauna, you should always use non-toxic cleaning supplies. This is to ensure no toxic VOCs are emitted.
1Love Saunas recommends to use equal parts water and white vinegar, with a combination of lemon and eucalyptus oil.
This creates a disinfectent spray that smells nice and avoids any toxic chemicals.

Far Infrared saunas are very safe, especially when they are truly low EMF saunas. The people that should avoid personal infrared saunas is anybody that has recently had surgery, is extremely sensitive to higher temperatures, pregnant, has pre-exisiting heart complications or on any medications that specifically say to limit heat exposure. If you are ever curious about if an infrared sauna could negatively impact your pre-exisiting conditions, please check with your doctor or specialist before purchasing one.

When using any type of sauna it is important to avoid wearing any sort of metal. Even inside of a far infrared sauna, metal can heat up and lead to burns. In terms of what to clothing to wear inside of a sauna, less is better. For traditional saunas, clothing doesn't matter quite as much because hot air is what heats the body. In a far infrared sauna, infrared rays are used to directly heat the body from within. This means that any clothes you wear simply act as a barrier for far infrared light. The less clothes you wear in an infrared sauna, the more you will sweat.

For an infrared home sauna, a one person sauna is the better option for most people. This allows you to use infrared therapy, without the huge space commitment or hassle of installation. Generally, a larger, sauna room or cabin-style sauna is going to be far more expensive, and require a lot of space to keep. Our one person saunas are fully portable, allowing you to place them anywhere in your house and still have an amazing sauna experience.

An infrared sauna heats the body from within. This is an extremely effective method of heating the body, allowing for the same amount of core temperature increase, at a much lower temperature. There is no need (Although you still can) for extremely hot sauna environments, to get all of the health benefits.

2 or more person saunas are quite awesome, but they do come with some downsides. The larger saunas will often require electrical modification of your home outlet, without being able to simply just plug into a standard outlet. They will also use far more electricity per month, whereas a personal sauna like ours can use a standard household outlet and uses less than $5/Month of electricity on average. While our saunas may not be able to fit two people, they certainly come with some upsides that everyone should consider.

The packages being shipped are rather large, with the single person infrared sauna dome, the package weight for the standard size is 69lbs. The package weight for the XL side is about 92lbs. This is primarily due to the packing so ensure you personal infrared sauna gets to you safely.

In regards to moving each section, they are quite light, ranging from 15-20lbs each, this is generally not an issue for most people

Our single person infrared sauna blankets are light as well, ranging from 22 lbs with stones and 27lbs without stones.

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