Explore All That Far Infrared Has To Offer
Flip the cards below to get a taste of what this beautiful science has to offer.

Frequent sauna use significantly boosts blood flow throughout the body, enhancing overall circulation. This increase in circulation aids in delivering more oxygen and nutrients to your muscles and organs, promoting better health and recovery. Additionally, regular sauna sessions elevate your core body temperature and heart rate, effectively mimicking the effects of a moderate intensity cardio workout.

Sauna sessions upregulate the body's natural detox mechanisms, allowing for toxins such as heavy metals, pesticides and even drugs and alcohol. Detox by using a sauna can make you truly feel your best.

Saunas allow for the body to mimic a fever, but in a healthy way. This process increases immunity, keeping you healthy year round.

Heat exposure creates a stress response within the body, in turn, creating a release of dopamine, growth hormone, beta endorphins and other hormones that contribute to an amazing post-sauna feeling.

Far infrared has been shown to increase collagen production, which is a large contributor to keeping skin healthy. Sweating also allows for bacteria on the top of skin's pores to be washed away.

As core temperature and heart rate increase, metabolic rate does as well. This means increased caloric burn while in the sauna and during the cooldown period after.

Regular sauna sessions have been shown to dramatically decrease rates of neuro degenerative disease, by as much as 65%!

Improved circulation can be a true game changer within your health goals. This can dramatically improve cardiovascular function and simply make you feel much better throughout each day.

Improved circulation can be a true game changer within your health goals. This can dramatically improve cardiovascular function and simply make you feel much better throughout each day.

Improved circulation can be a true game changer within your health goals. This can dramatically improve cardiovascular function and simply make you feel much better throughout each day.