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Why Do People Get Sick When the Weather Changes?

Why Do People Get Sick When the Weather Changes?

Core Body Temperature Isn't The Issue!

Many people often feel that the change in seasons, particularly from hot to cold, makes people more susceptible to sickness. In actuality, the typical cause of these types of sickness is determined by the bacteria, or viruses ability to thrive in colder climates. Another reason why this sort of change in weather could lead to more sickness pertains to people with seasonal allergies.(1) People that battle allergies, especially during the summer, typically have a slight dip in their immune system strength, making them more susceptible to sickness. Thankfully, there are many different precautions one could take to help prevent catching seasonal sickness, such as a balanced, healthy diet, exercise, improving cardiovascular health and blood flow. All of these combined could lead to a bulletproof immune system.

Foods are often the key to a healthy lifestyle. Food is the fuel to your day, your mood and your immune system. Including the proper food groups with a nutritious variety can lead to a healthy and youthful body. Varying your diet with fiber rich foods, along with a vast amount of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, fatty acids and plenty of microbes can lead to sustained optimal health.(1) Many people may also overlook the benefits of prebiotic foods as well as probiotic foods. These can be especially beneficial to a healthy gut biome that can further help ward off illness.

Regular exercise should also be used as a tool for health. Excess weight gain can make it very difficult to ward off disease. Obesity can cause low-grade chronic inflammation that can disturb your overall health dramatically.(3) Improving cardiovascular health can help directly fight excessive weight gain as well as improve immune health. With an optimal, 150 minutes of fitness per week individuals can expect to see health improvement and decrease the likelihood of seasonal colds to emerge. (4)

Methods of improving cardiovascular health and circulatory system health can be quite vast. Regular sauna use can dramatically improve the health of these systems, while being able to totally relax in the comfort of your own home. With regular sauna use, one can often find a reduction in hypertension, improved neurocognitive function, reduced risk of pulmonary disease and an overall dramatic improvement in cardiovascular health.(2)

Premium XL Sauna Dome - Shown Here

1Love saunas specifically put the body at an advantageous position in order to achieve the maximum benefits of a sauna, without the discomfort. Laying down in a sauna allows the subject to achieve optimal relaxation, leading to reduced stress. With 1Love saunas, you can also keep your head outside of the sauna. Oftentimes people may feel claustrophobic when getting used to the high temperatures of a sauna, with our sauna domes and blankets, you can leave your head out allowing you to receive the full benefits of sauna therapy without any sense of discomfort. Traditional saunas require a very large upfront cost, as well as a substantial amount of permanent real estate to place the sauna. With our saunas, they remain affordable and portable through the lifetime of the product. Reducing your overall commitment, without any functional sacrifices.

Overall, there are many things someone can do to reduce their likelihood of falling ill during the cold winter months. Keeping a healthy lifestyle is key. With the combination of a great diet, weekly exercise and even regular sauna use, many people will be able to see a noticeable difference in immune health, cardiovascular health as well as overall wellbeing and mood. Consider looking into some of our amazing sauna therapy offerings linked below


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